Evangelism Training

What is Evangelism? In simple words, it is taking advantage of opportunities to share what you know about Yeshua Ha’Mashiach with your Jewish and Gentile friends.

The purpose of Evangelism is to share what we know about Yeshua to lead people to a personal relationship with G-d.

By definition, an evangelist is “a preacher of the Gospel.” In the Bible, Yeshua (Jesus) gives a command to His disciples that carries down to us.

He said to them, and through them to us all..

Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature.”

             Mark 16:15.

But, what exactly does it mean “to Preach the Gospel”?

The Gospel, the good news, at its core is simply the fact that Yeshua died on the cross for the sins of all mankind and rose again on the third day. Because of this act of love and mercy on the part of G-d, we have the opportunity and privilege of:

        1. Coming into a personal relationship with Him;
        2. Have our sins washed away; by His precious blood that we may no longer dwell in sin.
        3. Have G-d’s forgiveness of our sins, never to be remembered no more.
        4. Having an eternal life with our Messiah Yeshua.

But we need to answer his call. If we will:

        1. Acknowledge and accept the sacrifice that He made for us;
        2. Confess our sins to Him and repent;
        3. Accept Yeshua as your Lord and Savior and go forward obeying his commandments and His Word, the Bible;

We will have Eternal Life in Heaven with Him.

This is Great News and reaching the lost is a very important part of our life at Beth Yeshua. We believe that by reaching the Jewish people first, the Church will be equipped to reach all people. If one can feel good about telling Jewish people about the Lord, then telling everyone else will be easier.

For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.” Rom 1:16.

If you need evangelism training and learn how to share the Gospel let us know. Beth Yeshua is well-equipped to help you.