Prayer Ministries

Prayer Ministry and Prayer Service is a very important part of our family life. Beth Yeshua’s spiritual leaders pray for people, for their spiritual and physical needs, for their healing, as well as for their friends and family members. Beth Yeshua’s Prayer Ministry is available to those in need every day of the week.

As Apostle Paul says:




Wherefore also we pray always for you, that our G-d would count you worthy of [this] calling, and fulfill all the good pleasure of [his] goodness, and the work of faith with power”.

The House of God is built on the idea that the saints pray for each other. At Beth Yeshua we have two very vital pray groups.

Women’s Prayer Group

The Women’s Prayer Group helps support the vision and mission of Beth Yeshua with fervent and effectual prayer. We also pray for the needs of our congregation so we can help lift each other up to help bear each other’s burdens and concerns. We believe that a strong women’s prayer group can help build a stronger and more loving community.

The Men’s Intercessory Prayer Ministry

At Beth Yeshua we lift up the burdens of the entire congregation. After Shabbat service we pray for anyone who has a burden, concern or needs healing. We also have nightly prayer by phone to help nurture and love those who need it.