Links and Resources
Messianic Learning Sites


En-Gedi Resource Center – En-Gedi’s goal is to help Christians grow in their understanding of the Bible and their Messiah, Jesus, by providing resources to study him within his culture and historical context.

Ariel Ministries – The solid teaching of Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum.

Our Rabbi Jesus – Ann Spangler and Lois Tverberg’s site featuring their exciting new book, “Sitting at the Feet of Rabbi Jesus.”

Messianic Literary Corner – The Messianic Literary Corner is an independent Messianic Jewish (Hebrew Christian) ministry offering grace-oriented teaching, prophecy studies, poetry, a bulletin board, a chat room, and more!

Mayim Hayim – Mayim Hayim Ministries is a pro-life, pro-family organization – A Barnabas Ministry, Teaching God’s Love and Grace in a Messianic Way! – Benjamin R. Burton’s fine site providing Messianic apologetic

The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah; -online book by Alfred Edersheim.

Messianic Liturgical Resources Providing quality liturgical resources for both Jew and non-Jew alike who desire to worship the Messiah in spirit and truth. URL: [ Festivals/Feasts ]

Real Messiah.

Word of Messiah Ministries
Materials from Sam Nadler

The Association of Messianic Congregations
Messiah Yeshua-centered, joyfully Jewish

Messianic Music
Music CDs, Resources, Israeli

Camp Shoshanah – Messianic Discipleship
Family Camp in the Adirondack Mountains of NY

Home Page Test


Jewish Sites

Note: Some of these sites promote teaching contrary to the truth of Messianic Judaism/Christianity. – An interactive site (Chabad) that provides basic Jewish literacy information in an easy-to-use format.

Aish HaTorah – Explore Judaism, Jewish holidays spirituality, and what it means to be Jewish with Rabbi Noah Weinberg, who founded Aish HaTorah in 1974. – A Lubavitch website that aims to bring people together from across the world.

Everything Jewish – A large site that is committed to strengthening our identity by celebrating Jewish life through the explanation and discussion of Jewish holidays, Jewish life cycle events, rituals, and traditions.

Hillel – The largest Jewish campus organization in the world, Hillel is working to provoke a renaissance of Jewish life. Hillel’s mission is to maximize the number of Jews doing Jewish with other Jews.

Jewish Heritage Online Magazine – a web monthly devoted to the study of classic and modern Jewish texts, culture, and heritage.

Judaism 101 – An extensive site created, written, researched, and maintained by Tracey Rich, an observant Jew from Pennsylvania. A good resource. – “Kolel” is a Hebrew word whose meanings include “inclusive”, “embracing”, and “community.” Kolel is a place where adults gather to engage in serious and joyful Jewish text study which bonds people together, builds community, and fosters spiritual growth.

Maven Search – Jewish web directory service. – A trans-denominational resource for the study of all things Jewish. A nice site, with good information for younger students.

Nizkor Project – Dedicated to the millions of Holocaust victims who suffered and died at the hands of Adolf Hitler and his Nazi regime. An excellent resource for those who attempt to deny the Shoah.

Ohr Somayach – A large site devoted to the promotion of worldwide Jewish literacy.

Orthodox Union ( – An outstanding site that is a great resource concerning contemporary orthodox Jewish observance.

Shamash: The Jewish Network strives to be the highest quality central point of Jewish information and discussion on the Internet. Our mission is to provide state-of-the-art Internet tools to Jewish organizations and individuals who maintain discussion forums for the benefit of the Jewish community.

Timeline of Jewish History – Jewish America’s site that includes a wealth of historical information about Israel, Jewish history, and more!

Bible Archeological Search and Exploration Institute. The Bible Archaeology, Search & Exploration (BASE) Institute is dedicated to the quest for archaeological evidence to help validate to the world that the Bible is true and that it represents an accurate, non-fictional account of God’s will to bring the people of this world back into relationship with Him.

Talmud, Tosefta, Midrash, Haggada

Note: Some of these sites promote teaching contrary to the truth of Messianic Judaism/Christianity.

A Page of Talmud – A Page from the Babylonian Talmud presented by Professor Eliezer Segal. This is one of the best Talmud study pages on the net.

Babylonian Talmud Online – The first extensive English translation of the Talmud to be posted on the Internet.

Jewish Customs – Rabbi Lawrence Rigal’s interesting site on the origin and meaning of various Jewish minhagim (customs).

Jewish Virtual Library Talmud – The text of the Bavli online in English.

Legends of the Jews – by Louis Ginzberg. The Jewish Aggadah is now online!

Midrash – The Midrash is the second major body of the oral Torah (after the Talmud), consisting of halakhic and homiletic material concerning the text of the Torah.

Online Treasury of Talmudic Manuscripts – Hebrew manuscripts are indexed to enable access by standard citation (tractate, daf, and amud for the Talmud Bavli, and tractate, chapter, and mishna for the Mishna). From the Jewish National and University Library.

Pirke Avot – Chapters of the Fathers, is a Mishnah Tract that takes its name from the fact that it consists to a great extent of maxims of the Jewish fathers.

Soncino English Translation of the Babylonian Talmud – all tractates in PDF format.

The Talmud in Hebrew – A great site with the Tanakh, both the Babylonian Talmud (Bavli) and Jerusalem Talmud (Yerushalami), the Tosefta, and the Mishneh Torah all online, in pointed Hebrew text!

The Tosefta Online – The Tosefta is a second compilation of oral law (200 CE) which corresponds to the Mishna.

Hebrew Audio

Note: Some of these sites promote teaching contrary to the truth of Messianic Judaism/Christianity.

Audio Scriptures International – The United Bible Society has permitted Audio Scriptures International to distribute the audio version of The Hebrew Old Testament.

Academy of Ancient Languages – Another site that offers the Hebrew audio reading of the Tanakh by Abraham Shmueloff.

Audio Siddur – Audio to accompany Siddur Sim Shalom, a popular Reform Siddur.

Daf Yomi Review – Ashkenazi/Sefardi Torah Leining/Reading MP3 Audio.

Elle’s Trope Trainer – Learn to chant the Hebrew text of Torah and Nakh!

Hebrew Audio – Portions of the Tanakh have been recorded as MP3 files on this academic site.

 Navigating the Bible II – A good resource for listening to chanted portions of the Hebrew text according to weekly parashiot. Designed for those training to perform Bar Mitzvah ceremony.

Siddur Audio Clips – Chants of the Siddur liturgy (following the Siddur Sim Shalom).

Temple Kol Emeth Bar-Mitzvah Audio – (Reformed) Listen to various parashiyot chanted.


Torah Internet Radio – The Torah and Tanakh is broadcast on this site.

Trope Trainer Software – A software package to train you to read Hebrew cantillation (trope).

Virtual Cantor – Hear many of the most common Hebrew prayers chanted.

News Sites

WORLDNET DAILY. Top current events, with a Christian perspective.

NEWSMAX is One of the nation’s leading independent news sites focusing on breaking news, politics, finance, personal health, technology, and entertainment.

JERUSALEM NEWSWIRE. Jerusalem-based, online daily news source for headline stories, breaking news, analyses, and features on the Middle East.

The Jerusalem Post – Major Israeli Daily.

Virtual Jerusalem – International news from a Jewish perspective.

THE MESSIANIC TIMES International Messianic Jewish News and Information.